Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Youth Event: Photo Scavenger Hunt

Youth Group Photo Scavenger Hunt


  1. Your entire team MUST be back at church by the specified time
  2. Teams must stay together at all times
  3. Adult chaperones do not count as a team member
  4. No pictures can be taken on church property
  5. NO DOUBLE DIPPING! You must have a separate photo for each category.
  6. No collaboration with other teams
  7. At least one team member must be in every photo (or more if specified)
  8. Be respectful of those around you and follow all laws!
  9. Decision as to whether a photo actually meets criteria will be decided as a group; Katey has final say.
  10. If multiple teams photograph the same object, neither team will get points. In other words, be creative!

1 Point

  • Take a picture of a team member in the funniest hat you can find
  • Find a sign that indicates a historical location
  • Find something that costs less than $0.99; take a picture of your entire team touching it
  • Find a kiddie ride (the kind that cost a quarter or 50 cents) and take a picture of a team member on it (it doesn’t have to be on)
  • Find a store that sells deodorant and take a picture of your entire team pantomiming putting it on
  • Take a picture of your whole team jumping in the air at the same time
  • Have your whole team pose like a tree (or trees) underneath a tree
  • Take a picture of your whole team posing on or under a bridge
  • Find a house or building whose street number is “2014”
  • Have your whole team put on sunglasses and strike a “cool” pose 
  • Find something that begins with the letter Z
  • Find a sign (any sign) and do what it says—take a picture!
  • Take a picture of everyone in your team throwing a paper airplane at the same time
  • Take a picture of your whole team reflected in something other than a mirror

2 Points

  • Find a statue or mannequin and have your entire team strike that pose
  • Find a food item that has an unusual name (can be on a restaurant menu)
  • Find a car of the same make and model as the car you’re travelling in (+1 bonus point if you can get a picture of both cars in the same photo
  • Take a picture of your entire team sitting on a slide at the same time
  • Get a picture of your entire team with someone in uniform (+1 bonus point for military, police, or firefighter)
  • Find some graffiti (creating it is not allowed!) and pose next to it
  • Have your whole team form a human pyramid outside
  • Take a picture of your entire team having a dance party in a public place
  • Have all team members drink from the same soda with straws
  • Take a picture of all group members in a tree
  • Create an air marching band and march around a public place
  • Have everyone on your team drink/eat something to change the color of your tongues
  • Have a tea party with at least one stuffed animal (actual tea not necessary, but make sure you have cups and plates!)

3 Points

  • Take a picture of your team reenacting a Biblical story
  • Find something that could be a prop or costume from a Harry Potter movie. Act out a scene with it.
  • Get a stranger to make a silly face with your team 
  • Spell out “St. Thomas” with your hands or your body—one picture for each letter (you will need two “ts” and two “ss”). Every member of your team must be involved.
  • Find something or someone that is not scary at all and take a picture of your team pretending to run away from it in terror (+1 bonus points if it looks like it is chasing after you)
  • Find someone (not on your team) who is wearing a very similar outfit to someone on your team. Take a picture of the two outfits together.
  • Find someone playing a musical instrument; pantomime singing along passionately (whole team)
  • Get a picture with as many people in it as possible (points only awarded to team with the most people in the picture)
  • Take a picture of one group member arm wrestling a stranger

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